Does Success in Career Mean You Will Have Success in Dating?
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Does Success in Career Mean You Will Have Success in Dating?

Published Mon Apr 04 2022

You have been lied to!

A lot of men think that as long as they take care of their career goals, and have success in that area of their life, everything will fall into place. They’ll attract the woman of their dreams and everything will be perfect!

The sad reality is, life just doesn’t work like that.

If that was the case, every successful professional or entrepreneur would be in a perfect relationship with his dream partner, and no one would be struggling in this aspect of their lives.

But that’s far from the truth. Actually, it is quite the opposite.

After college, when most men have entered their career or are running their business, they are not exposed to women the way they used to be.

Remember "back in the day?" There were women everywhere. There were different social circles to be a part of, and meeting people through friends, and friends of friends was easy.

I’m sure you have a couple friends who met a girl in school, or through a good friend, and ended up happily married together. But, that’s a rare case. That’s an exception. And it's an exception that it will be a truly lasting love in their life.

Not everyone is fortunate enough to find someone they really connect with and want to settle down with.

The sad reality is that instead, a lot of men are locked onto their computers working long hours Monday through Friday, without much interaction from women.

And so they keep hearing the same B.S. advice: “Just be confident, just be yourself - and girls will love that!”

But how the hell can he “be himself” if he’s locked away for hours on his computer? Is he really expected to just flip the switch and “just be himself” as soon as he stumbles upon a woman he’s attracted to?

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As time progresses, these guys makes more money in the bank, have a little more success in their career, and gains a little more weight. But, he still has this belief that somehow he will match with his dream woman on a dating app, or run into her somewhere and his love life will just work out.

You work on all these aspects in your life, yet neglect one of the most vital and important areas of your life.

Your dating and relationship lives!

If you don’t make a change in your dating and relationship life and learn how to meet, attract and keep your ideal women, two possibilities can happen

One, you will be spending your nights alone. Having no one to come home to, kissing you good morning or goodnight, no one to share in your success (and even your failures). Not spending quality time with that special girl on the weekends, and no way to build that dream life or family with someone that makes it all worth it.

Or, the other possibility is that you will just accept mediocrity in this area of your life, and just settle with whoever is there based on desperation and guilt from your family as to why you are still single.

And years later into your marriage with her, when you’re going through a divorce, you take a look at why you ended up together, when it was really for no reason at all.

This is how most men stumble across their partners. I can help you NOT be that guy. Message me if you want to break out of this pattern and have a fulfilling and meaningful love life - with someone you actually value!